Friday, March 18, 2005
Thank the lord for...
The Beatles!
I have been in a blue funk alllllllllllllllll day. Nothing has really improved my mood - not Family Guy, not Night Court, not even That 70s Show! and it probably didn't help that I foolishly opened up a fucking FROZEN can of COKE while balancing a bowl of Chef Boyardee's lasagna on a pillow on my bed, so needless to say I had Coke exploding all over my hands while I'm trying to get up without turning the lasagna upside-down...
To make a long story short, I somehow managed to get the Coke on the floor, leaving a big Coke ring on my pink carpet *sigh*, but luckily I was smart and cleaned up the Coke as best I could, then flipped the rug over.
I really want to go take a shower now, but it's pointless, since if I do, I'll just wake up with nightmare hair and have to shower tomorrow AM anyway. Bah.
But I get to go home tomorrow...and do probably the same thing I'm doing here, except having my butt parked on the couch instead of my bed and hopefully with my cat nearby. Or maybe calling Adam because I haven't seen him since JULY and I think that's been a bit too long. Gack. I even bought him a shotglass this summer, maybe I should find out where I put that so I can give it to him.
Watched Princess Diaries 2 yesterday, and thought about that promise that Adam & I made each other during freshman if I ever become a princess, Adam will still be my date to the ball! :) We are SUCH dorks. Still.
So, I put all of my mp3s into my iPod the other day when we cleaned out my hard drive, but I re-loaded iTunes into my hard drive, and downloaded a bunch of new songs into it, so I'm trying to put those songs into my iPod, but it says that my iPod is hooked up to a different iTunes, or whatever, which makes sort-of sense. So I downloaded some program to put the songs in the iPod back into iTunes, but it won't open. At all. Rargh. Stupid, stupid computer. I wish I wasn't 100% computer illiterate.
Well, not that St. Patrick's Day is over, thank the lord, I can say that last year was far better than this year. Then again, any year would probably be far better than this year. I've decided I'm moving to Ohio this summer and never coming back. Take that Wisconsin folk! Not that I'll be missed all that least not by people here.
Monkeys! Life in Ohio (sans Creepy McRoommate) was way better than Ripon College has ever been.
half hour later...
This is not to say that life in Ohio was always a picnic. I don't usually have a problem getting to know people, but sometimes I can be shy, and it wasn't super easy to meet people. And my roommate SUCKED. But when I got into the swing of things, and started hanging out with my awesome co-workers, it got much much much better. I still miss them a lot - and it's March! And consequently this is also not saying that Ripon has always sucked. It just happens to take turns for the worse more often than the better. I'm hoping that I will be able to come away from this miserably experience by only remembering the good things - my friends (esp. the ones who graduated last year!), my bf, some of my isolated experiences in the music dept, etc. And hopefully all of the bad things will have magically been erased from my memory a year from now. Not to say I will have forgotten the lessons learned, but just have forgotten the pain those lessons caused me.
And now changing the subject...
Let the countdowns begin!
28 days until Senior Sem (of doom!) is due
36 days until my Senior Recital (oh joy. rapture. yawn.)
42 days until the Variety Show.
43 days until Springfest!
58 days until graduation! Thank the lord!
Oh, why do I thank the lord for the Beatles? Because they rock. Obviously. Yay for having lots of Beatles albums in iTunes as of most of mine (save the anthologies, which are somewhere under my bed) are at home for right now.
And yet you don't believe her when she says her love is dead, you think she needs you.