Where did the sheep get tap shoes????
Sunday, March 27, 2005
Gack. Happy Easter tomorrow (it is just past midnight on Saturday night, hence)!
I made plans to leave Ripon at 11, but that turned into 12, and 12 turned into 1:15 before I was on the road. I managed to get stuck behind Ma-and-Pa-Kettle-out-for-their-Saturday-afternoon-drive-on-Highway-23 again. Ohboy, that was fun...lemme tell ya (*swears*). I set cruise at 60, and was able to stay at 60 for approximately 15 yards before Ma-and-Pa-Kettle decided to keep their speed constant too - well, somewhere between 53 and 60, anyway (*swears more*). The radio stations were horrible, again.
Overall not a bad drive. Lots of traffic though, but I like driving, so it was okay. I wish I'd thought to ask Ben or Greg if they needed a ride home sometime before last night, because then I would have had company aside from the bad radio stations. Oh well.
Taped - shit, AM taping - SNL tonight, repeat of Keane performance *runs to turn off VCR* I watched the performance of Everybody's Changing, though, and I think they cut it short. Bastards.
Had an oh-so-exciting afternoon. Hung out at home. Parents made dinner (finally!). Went to Mayfair, met up with Jenny (Jhenny!) and her boyfriend to give her the English horn and chat for a while. Went to Barnes and Noble, bought two new books (neither of which I will have time to read until at least April 25) - Fab Wisdom for Everyday Life: the Beatles Way and The Good, the Bad, and the Mad: Some Weird People in American History (god, even my fun books are NERDY!), and then to Best Buy of doom (Mayfair Road - self-explanatory!) to get The Pretender! (can not type. am deleting every other friggin letter. good lord. help!). Then came home, watched Princess Diaries 2, and some of SNL, and now am writing blog, checking email (dial up of DOOM!) and henceforth going to bed.
What an exciting day! Wheeeeeeeeeeeeee!
Oh. Losers. Get on the formal date applications. :) This is just your friendly reminder. Or 2nd warning. Whichever. See below for application. :)
And have a good Easter!
(my easter is already infinitely better than last year - hooray! left house, did not sit on couch and cry, and have henceforth slept through the night. well, sort-of, but it can be blamed on fact that i had a roommate last night, and i slept on my loft, of which i spent half the night worrying i would fall off). :)
*cough - formal date application - cough*

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