Sunday, April 10, 2005
Sunday, Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, DAY OF DOOM...DUN DUN DUN!
Wow, a written post. Get used to the audio posts though, folks, especially if I take another break from reality this summer. Then you won't lose track of me for three months like last summer...I mean, if you want to lose track of me for three months, well, then there might be some issues.
(insert multiple expletives here)
The aforementioned expletives are for the ever impending senior sem of doom....not to mention all the shit I have to do tomorrow (today?'s past midnight):
*Make cucumber sandwiches for the international dinner that I can't even go to
*Band concert
*Mozart rehearsal
*Fanfare rehearsal
*Digging futon (sans mattress) out of storage to send home with parents
*Sem, sem, sem, sem, sem, sem, sem, sem, sem, sem, sem, sem, sem....
*Sleep, maybe?
It recently occured to me that my bed is probably going to say "WTF?" on Saturday afternoon when I collapse into it from exhaustion after Relay for Life, not to mention an entire week with minimal sleep. And then, I will only leave my bed on Saturday to go to Liz's recital, then back to bed, then to do filming all night in Rodman...
After which, I will head back to bed, and stay there until Monday.
Well, except to write my paper for Blake's class - provided he gives me an extension (must ask for extension on Tuesday).
I have no problems with writing a paper for Blake's class. I mean, think about the essay I wrote on the Puritans after about four hours at the bar? Or the essay on, um, on....uhhh...fuck...what was the topic again?...on...oh right. 17th century Virginia. Not a problem (well, the Puritan one was somewhat problematic, but it got done, which is the important part).
But this one...ohhhhhhhhhh this one...he had to give us the assignment with us writing our own topic! That's going to take me at least a day to figure out - give the lack of reading I've done again for this unit. :) And, correct me if I'm wrong, but aren't Blake and McGowan married? Shouldn't they talk about things like, due dates among history classes that include history major seniors??? Merf.
Well...I think I can get an extension. 'Cause if I don't, this paper is going to just be late anyway. Or another flaming pile of cowshit...
Or maybe I can write a paper listing (in sentence form), all of Ben Franklin's accomplishments.
Ahem, ahem:
Ben Franklin was an inventor.
Ben Franklin was a printer.
Ben Franklin was a self-centered asshole.
Ben Franklin lived in, uh, Boston? Or Philadelphia?
(I read the autobiography - I swear! Okay, I lied. Hmmm...)
Ben Franklin flew a kite in a thunderstorm.
Ben Franklin, consequently, invented the lightning rod.
And so on and so forth for at least six pages.
Not unlike my immigrants paper from freshman year...
Immigrants come from many countries. Immigrants come from Mexico. Immigrants come from Canada. Immigrants come from Russia. Immigrants come from Uzbekistan. Immigrants come from Kazakhstan so they can get away from the wooden cathedral that was built in Almaty/Alma-Ata in 1904 with no nails. Immigrants come from Bosnia. Immigrants come from Japan. Immigrants come from China...
You get the point.
Hmmmm...a history major hard at work.