Friday, May 27, 2005
So, I'm sitting here at the computer with the last piece of graduation cake and a glass of water and asking myself what the hell I'm thinking moving away for three and a half months!!! I mean, seriously, I did this before I was banging my head against the wall (not literally) over sem, or over my recital, or over my classes, etc. What the fuck????
I'm really not very excited about this. It's going to be good to see people again, like Kelly C, Sarah Jo, Kelly L, Jamie, Themis, whoever else is going to be back (Heather S? Brandon? Kevin? Winter? others??)...but I'm going to miss people at home; Andy, Emily, Joe, Adam, Steph, Chris...especially those I didn't get to see much this year, if at all.
Well, I'm sure I'll be fine once I get there and get settled anyway. I've got a leadership role this year, which is nice (a resume builder! woohoo!), and the way that the schedule was done last year I think I'm not going to have to work laaaaaaaaate nights every single night. Not that the morning shift is my cup of tea, but still. It will be nice to be done by 4pm instead of like, midnight or later...
Hopefully before the night is over I'll have sent out an email with my contact info, but if you didn't get my contact info and want it, as well as getting periodic emails from me, leave me a comment with your email address, or email me! (just so you know, it might take a while, I only checked email weekly or biweekly, but I don't know if a periodic email update will go out more than every three-four weeks).
Anyway, I'll be back to Wisconsin for sure sometime in September (sometime between the 11th and 13th), and possibly around my birthday in July (sometime between the 10-14ish). And ideally I should have my cell phone in Ohio (but let's not hope for too much - this is Cingular we're talking about!!), so if you have my cell, call me sometime! I'll probably be more than happy to talk to you (but apologies in advance for delays in returning phone messages. If my schedule is like it was last year, oy!) :)
Oh, and for those of you who are thinking "I'm looking at the archives from 2004, and there were no posts from when you left until when you got back," never fear - audio blog is here! (that was laaaaaaaaaaaaaame). :) I'll hopefully be doing audio blog posts - all you need is some sort of media player (windows, real player, music match jukebox, maybe iTunes), and you'll be able to hear my audio blog! So, turn your speakers up and leave comments! :)
Well, I should get back to packing! So, have a good summer! Email me, call me, snail mail me if you have the address (and I'll send you a postcard!), visit me if you're in the area, etc. Just don't expect frequent audio blogs - I'm sure they won't happen more than (at max twice a week), but hey, enjoy 'em when they're there! :)
So long, kiddies!