Where did the sheep get tap shoes????
Friday, May 13, 2005
Oy vey!
So, my parents took me out to dinner tonight, and we got on the aforementioned (dead horse! dead horse!) topic of Marquette (i know i said dead horse just now, twice, but this is funny, at least to me. and probably emily. who has already heard this story. but i'm sure there's got to be someone else who finds it funny). Anyway, so when the whole hoopla was actually going down in Milwaukee, my parents were in the kitchen (or something) and the tv in the den was on, and there were reporters reporting about students protesting, blah blah blah. And who should come on the screen as a student protester?? Oh yes. My dear, darling 'god-brother' Kevin (who, incidentally, i haven't talked to in over a year! hey! kevin! wtf!! i hear you're engaged! and i think you graduated already! and you never returned my phone calls on july 10 at 11:30ish pm! which means i haven't talked to you since may! i suppose i could email you, but if you graduated, do you check your marquette mail anymore...hmmm. damnit! call me! - if you read this which i doubt. anywho...). Which doesn't surprise me, but damn I wish I could have seen that! I could have made fun of him for more things (i mean, than i already do- not like it's hard, what with breaking both your kneecaps after over shooting the gym mat in 5th grade causing you to not be a shepherd in the nativity play that year, and running up the stairs after my dad with a pool cue in your hand intending to do damage to him, but instead nearly impaling yourself 'cause you tripped on the top step...ahahahaha! oh, and who could forget how i dressed him up like a girl??? lol!!!) Okay, I'm done about Marquette unless they pick another shitty mascot.
Anyway, my parents just called and they were planning on staying in Redgranite all weekend ('cause it's only half hour away from Ripon, so it will work out very nicely for traveling back and forth), but the water didn't get turned on. So, the house has no water, and no heat. So they had to call me to get hotel numbers (no phone book, either). Go figure. Heh, they'll either end up staying in Redgranite again, or Wautoma, which is even further. But my aunt thinks the water should be turned on by tomorrow morning. At least now it's the age of cell phones, otherwise it would have been calling hotels from a pay phone. Ha, and we actually used to have to do stuff like that too.
Haha, at this time last year I was sneaking into bars. I wouldn't have to sneak into bars this time, but I have to pack. I'd rather be at the bars. Damn!
Okay, okay, I'm really going to go pack now. Damnit! That time has come. But at least Emily lent me Saved to watch tonight.

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