Where did the sheep get tap shoes????
Sunday, May 08, 2005
Tylenol Flu with a side of drunk!
Okay, I admit, I am the biggest whiner on the face of the planet when I get sick. And I think my mood starts deteriorating even before I get sick, like I know I'm going to get sick even when I haven't yet. Of course, there were so many people around me who were sick, that I can blame them (Motz, if you got me sick....lol).
But just to prove that I'm not totally a whiner beyond all belief, and to hopefully focus on something other than the fact that I'm going to die, or at least feel like I'm going to die...I'm going to make a cheesy list in the tradition of many other cheesy lists that name things that make me happy (even though I'm dying). :

*I am now officially one week away from graduating from college. Ah, I can almost taste the degree. I wonder what bachelor's degree tastes like? Hopefully it's sweet.
*I get to see a bunch of my friends that will be coming back to Ripon for graduation, and that makes me happy.
*Even though I'm going to leave them, the fact that I got a lot closer to the remaining Rodman rats makes me happy. They were fun, and I'm going to miss being called l'oboe.
*Garfield and Friends, Volumes 1-3. No, life doesn't get much better than that.
*My sem is long turned in, my recital is long over, and I only have one paper left to write.
*My aunt and uncle are throwing me a graduation party. How cool is that??
*The Monty Python song, Always Look on the Bright Side of Life, from Life of Brian...how can anyone not at least smile after hearing that?
*My boyfriend, who brought me Kleenex and food last night on his way home from work...yeah, but he probably knew I would whine incessantly if I didn't get my Kleenex....;) (just kidding)
*Keane's coming to Milwaukee again, and I will be in Milwaukee this time!
*Hopefully my computer will get fixed soon!
*My iPod, which has made the walk to Rodman not only bearable, but fun!!
*I get to see my cats soon!
*My stuffed Garfield
*The laptop computer that makes blogging in bed possible (if it weren't for this, there'd be no blogging, 'cause I have no voice, so no audioblogging).
*The pub crawl is on Wednesday (but since I went last year, if I'm still dying on Wednesday, I won't be too terribly crushed if I don't go on the whole pub crawl...I will go on some for sure though!), and they're giving us a barbecue to nurse our hangovers on Thursday (instead of graduation rehearsal...finally, someone got smart).
*Chamomile Tea (i think there is still some here)
*And finally (because I'm tired, and sick, and want to sleep), Tylenol Flu, because it makes me feel like I'm drunk. Well, and it makes me feel better too. ;)
I'm sure there are many more things, but like I said, I want to go to sleep. It's way too fucking early for me, and I am dying, after all. ;)

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