Thursday, May 12, 2005
Uh, back up just one second...
Yes, you saw that right, I fixed up my template just now! I'm probably going to hate it in the morning, but oh well, it seemed like a good idea now! Well, I've actually wanted to do that for a while, but now seemed like the opportune time to play around with my template....
I'm sure you're all thinking that I'm drunk or something, right? After all, it was Senior Pub Crawl 2005!!
I am not even tipsy.
How much does that suck?? :)
I actually have to confess to two things:
1- Pub Crawl 2004 was way better than 2005...maybe it was the thrill of being underage. :) (me? underage in a bar? never. i'm an angel. insert barfing here)
2- I am somewhat disappointed at not getting drunk. I tried to get tipsy, but I couldn't, short of slamming down drinks I didn't find appealing, and every time I got even a minute buzz going, we left the bar. And it's like, fucking freezing outside. So, you step outside, you freeze your ass off, and you lose your buzz. It sucked. But as for my drinks, I had a grand total of (drumroll) four drinks: a black cherry sour (i think?), a strawberry margarita, an amaretto & orange juice (seriously, they had no sour. it was a bar, and they had no sour for amaretto sour. what is that?), and an amaretto sour. That was it. I know, pathetic. And I'm a lightweight! I seriously haven't been drunk since January. I was absolutely hammered out of my mind the first weekend back for 2nd semester, I was hungover beyond belief the next day (and my mother called at 11-fucking-50-am the next morning - yeah I didn't answer), but since then? I have not been even remotely close to drunk, and I can probably count my nights out on one hand. This is ridiculous. My senior pub crawl cost me a whopping $6.50. Yes, I live dangerously. Seriously people, what is this "driving down to Ripon on Saturday" shit? Who am I going to drink with on Friday night? My last chance to get drunk in Ripon!
Maybe I'm not so much a light-weight afterall.
So, the pub crawl was not much to get excited about...more to yawn about. Last year was way better. The company this year was great too though - yay for hanging out with Amber K2, Emily, Lindsay S, Christine (periodically, loser!), Schoofs (for a little while), Joe (periodically), Brandon (Mummford!), Gwen, and later, Liz & Jeff. And all the countless others! Yay for fun people to hang out with, at least!! :)
Anyway, I am very tired, so I am going to go to bed. My bed itself is a mess, so I have to sleep in my loft again. Blahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh! Damn my laziness sometimes! And tomorrow is *groan* packing....grumble, grumble.
Oh, and let me know what you think of the new color scheme! I have another set of colors I'm going to try out if this one is hated (by either myself, or others)!!!