Monday, June 06, 2005
Lauren and the terrible, horrible, no good, very bad day...
So, everyone remember that book from when we were kids? You know the one....Alexander and the Terrible, Horrible, No Good, Very Bad Day??? Yeah. That about sums up my day. Really, not a bad day (mood-wise, anyway), for me, but UGH! I don't think it could have been worse save Pennysylvania Matt sitting with me on break again (which didn't happen because I might have cried. Or thrown heavy objects at him)...
So, my day in a nutshell:
*Wake up at like, 8am (after going to bed around 3am, mind you) because the humidity is about a thousand percent, my nose is completely stuffed up, and I have no voice. But I can't fall back asleep because of a-my nose, b- the humidity....but I don't have to work until 12. Sigh.
*Go to work at 12. It's about a thousand degrees out too, to combine with the thousand percent humidity. The shower I took at 11 was pretty pointless as I was sweaty and gross by noon. Ewww. Luckily, Snoopy Boutique is air-conditioned, so a few minutes in the stockroom cooled me off.
*Work is DEAD. I seriously didn't do anything except talk to people (and send some of the minors home so they didn't go into work violation that would get me into trouble) for about three hours.
*Two of my night crew called off, and one of the other remaining night crew told me she thought she was going to puke. This is bad, because I can't afford to send her home, since I had a supervisor meeting at 4pm that I had to go to, and could't really leave four people unsupervised in the store, and unfortunately the girl who was going to puke was the substitute me. Damn.
*Supervisor meeting lasted for an hour and a half! I wasn't back till 5:30. Luckily the store hadn't set on fire or anything, but I had the shit-tastic schedule for next week that leaves like, 2 or 3 people closing every night (we need like, at LEAST 4...), but about 4 people (including the supervisor) opening...
*The Snoopy drawing of doom rolls around, everything is running smoothly. I let Ashley give the 5-minute warning (because my voice wasn't very loud), and about 2 minutes to 7pm (the drawing time), I hear this horrible, awful blood-curdling scream from the back of the store. More blood-curdling scream followed by frantic shouting. A girl has tripped over a rock and broken her wrist. So she's screaming at the top of her lungs, her mother is yelling about where first aid is, so I manage to get them off to first aid successfully, do the drawing, have to console Ashley and Courtney who are totally freaked by the whole situation (it was seriously the worst scream I have ever heard in my entire life...). Then I have to call the area supervisor, she has to go to first aid to see exactly what happened (I was on the opposite side of the store, and only heard from another guest exactly what happened), she calls one of the area managers (ours was, of course, gone), they call safety, safety comes in later to find out if there is anything that needs to be moved.
*I finally go on break aruond 8:15, only to find out that there are severe thunderstorm watches (or warnings? whichever one is more serious). After my break was over, I go back to the store to find that the power has flickered out and two of the registers are now down, so that messed up the paperwork for the rest of the night.
*Luckily, a brief torrential downpour clears out the park, and we manage to get out of the store by about 10:30 (usually we get out at like, 11:30).
*The humidity, however, hasn't broken from the storm, and thunderstorms are predicted for the rest of the week.
Thank the lord I have off tomorrow, or I might possibly go crazy. I think there's a few other things in there that went wrong, but I can't remember.
I still have some of the stupidest people on my crew creepy stalker Phil who is not only creepy (he has conversations with COFFEE MUGS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!), but he's dumber than a rock, and has a bad habit of like, leaving the store randomly to go wander aruond outside. Sigh...
If this keeps up, it's gonna be a long summer. :)
Otherwise, things are going well. Oh, and I got invited to go to the water park with some friends tomorrow, but I left my swim suits in Milwaukee.....
Oh, and if I was supposed to call you recently and didn't - SORRY! Between my shit-tastic cell phone service (it's worse in Ohio than Riponnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnn) and this sickness that I've been battling (combined with allergies to humidity, mold, dust, Gold dorms in general....) that's taken my voice, it's been kinda hard to return phone calls....
And if you're going to be in Ohio anytime, please please please please call me!!! :) But give me enough time to get back to you (like, 5 days or ;)
And leave comments! I like comments! Comments make me happy. ;)
(Audio blogs may be coming soon, it takes too long to type this stuff out at 10 cents a minute!)