Wednesday, June 22, 2005
Shoot me. Now.
Arguh. So, it's June. It's mid-June, to be precise. I am going insannnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnne! I have much more of a social life this year (yea Commons), but omg, if I work one more 60 hour week....
Yeah, things are interesting. I'm getting way underpaid for all the babysitting I'm doing. Can someone please explain to me the logic behind hiring 14-15-year olds?? I mean, kids these days! I have been working (on average), 2 morning shifts (of babysitting) a week, but it's killing me! I'm not very good at making people listen to me, really, and these kids take the cake. Then, so when they're all fighting and throwing things at each other and chasing after each other and I get really pissed at them and send some of them home, our manager tells our supervisor that I shouldn't send people home because our area is about 1000 hours under and that if I send people home, then we lose the hours permanently, but surprise! We don't need to have 6-7 people plus a lead on in the morning, nobody comes into our store! Let the kids work 5 days a week, not 6! Arguh. But, as our manager hasn't bothered to actually tell me not to send people home, I'm going to keep doing it.
So, it's been a rough week.
And my cell phone continues to hate me. So, sorry, I haven't called anyone. If you call me, PLEASE leave a message, otherwise I might not know you called since my caller id is also faulty, and often reads no number instead of the person that called. But I'm getting a new phone - soon, ish, but it is being mailed to Wisconsin, and then here.
Anyway, I think my time is up...sorry this is kind of down, but rargh! Hopefully things will start to look up....but only like, 19 days till I turn 22! (then maybe people will think I'm 19...heehee)