Where did the sheep get tap shoes????
Sunday, July 10, 2005
Oh give me a home...
Well, here I am back in Milwaukee for a couple of days....phew! Much relief from that work thing. Not that work has been bad, but, it's been long. And Kelly went to New York on Wednesday, so it's just been me and Betsy, and I've been getting the morning shifts. Which, though the hours are nice, especially being done at a specific time, has been a drag. I hate getting up early, for instance :) The morning crew is all 14 or 15, and their average IQ isn't very high (except for Jamie and Jessica). So, it's a lot of tedious babysitting, making sure they don't beat each other up, or call each other names, or spend all of their time talking instead of working, or whatever it is that they come up with. And when I say beat each other up, I mean, keep them from giving bruises or punches or whatever it is that they feel like doing. *facepalm* Then again, mornings can be amusing, like whenever I need Brandon (TL from the store next to us) to come fix something, like a jammed pucker powder tubes or if the train has fallen behind the tshirt cubes (AGAIN) and I need Brandon to come over and fix it. Then he always brings over his faithful and loyal sidekick Adam, and they cause more problems than they solve. Either way, it's always entertaining.
So, we now actually have a decent male (aside from John) that works in our store...his name is James and he's from ENGLAND!!! And he has the cutest accent, and looks perfectly adorable in Snoopy ears. It's kind of like Colin in Love Actually, except we're not supermodels and I don't think any of us want to get with him, we just like to hear him talk. Not to mention he's hilarious, and his accent makes things much funnier, because it sounds proper, even when he's complaining about stupid people! It's great.
Anyway, so I haven't really gotten all that much sleep since about 6:45 yesterday (Saturday) morning...BLAH! I had to open the store on Saturday, so I was up, showered, and out the door by 7:40, worked till 4:15, went back to my room, cleaned up the semi-mess that is my room, did laundry, went to get dinner (french fries!!!), did more laundry, watched Garfield and Friends (fell asleep for about an hour), talked on the phone, got my laundry from the dryer, packed, talked on the phone some more, went to Steak and Shake with Liz, Heather, and the random Park Plaza types, went to Walmart, got directions to the train station (that ended up being the bus station), went to get more directions, finally got right directions, went to train station, waited with the crew till 5, sent the crew home at 5 (they had to work today...suckers), waited for the train (that was supposed to be at the station at 4:30am) until SEVEN THIRTY!!! Then got on the train, and ended up sitting with PHIL, of ALL PEOPLE it HAD to be PHIL, for the ENTIRE TRIP TO CHICAGO which was about FIVE HOURS!!!!!!!!! I sort-of slept much of the way, listened to my ipod for the rest (to avoid conversation), but as Adam knows I don't sleep well in moving vehicles, so I'm still friggin exhausted. The Sandusky train did get in to Chicago at a normal hour though, so I didn't miss my other train to Milwaukee, and got back to Milwaukee at a reasonable time (2:30)....
This is when I'm happy I'm turning 22, because I did something similar to this last year, except didn't get up as early, but stayed up much later because I turned 21 and had to stay up till midnight to go to the bars...
Anyway, happy birthday to me tomorrow :)

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