Where did the sheep get tap shoes????
Sunday, August 21, 2005
Reason Number 1 (and only, so far) that I can tolerate/maybe even like my sister's boyfriend...
Only because I, erm, borrowed the Coldplay X&Y CD from him. I have all intentions of getting my own copy, eventually, but as I just dropped twenty bucks on the 2003 Live Coldplay CD last week, I'm having a hard time getting myself to buy another CD, especially considering how I have no job (and my last paycheck, of a whopping 12 hours or so, should cover the cost of the bridesmaid dress. wait, no, i lied, that 12 hours of work would cover the cost of the bridesmaid dress, should there be no taxes/rent taken out. well, never mind. oh well. the dress is worth it).
So, back to life of the unemployed...
Ah! Unemployment! Wait, just kidding. Blah! I can't wait to have a job again, just not one that demands 50+ hours of work in a week, at slave wages! Sorry, just not my idea of fun times, thanks. So, what's next? Well, I'm not sure. Job-hunting is continuing, and I'll keep you all updated.
In the meantime, fellow 2005 Ripon grads, today we would have moved back to school had we not graduated. A tiny bit nostalgic, for me, but for the most part, thank the lord. That's an era we're done with! Now, if I move to Appleton, that's just too close for comfort, huh? :)
Well, I'm going to the mall with my sister...shudders...and then to Appleton for a couple days to visit the boy and job-hunt.
(Oh, good luck Riponites who haven't yet graduated...I'll visit. Once, or twice...check the music department calendar to get a general idea of when I might grace campus with my presence) ;)
Later, kiddies!

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