Where did the sheep get tap shoes????
Tuesday, August 23, 2005
An update of sorts, ish, but not really...
Okay, so I really am lacking in the posting department...but, I just don't have anything all that terribly exciting to say that can really be said via a blog, so I'll just give an update.
I'm job-hunting. It's really pretty sucky, because I can't find anything that I even want to remotely apply for. I've been applying for a few things here and there, mostly banks, and keeping my options open. I figure I'm not completely broke yet, so I'm not completely desperate, and as I'm not paying rent yet, I've been living at home, and just mooching food off my parents (I'm actually kidding there, because I went grocery shopping for lil'old me the other day, I love grocery shopping for myself - no, I'm not kidding). Well, I'm not completely self-sufficient when it comes to groceries, but who wants to actually buy, say, chicken breasts when Dad has more than enough and is grilling them (in multiple quantities!) anyway?? :)
Mmmm, and I totally am remembering why I must never leave Wisconsin in August again - sweet corn!! We've had fresh sweet corn twice since I got home last Tuesday night, uhhhhh, to die for. I know, I know, they have sweet corn in Ohio, but it's not like I had anywhere to cook it. Okay, I probably could have gone over to someone's apartment, but that would have meant work, and I was doing quite enough of that already. Hehe.
I went shopping with my sister on Sunday before heading up to Appleton, and we were in Finish Line (where I just bought shoes a few weeks ago when I was in Ohio) so I thought I was safe from buying more shoes (logic: just bought shoes.). So I'm sitting there with Katie, waiting for her to pick out shoes, and listening to her complain about how the shoes she wants look like "man-shoes because they're green and black, blah blah blah," (even though they don't look like man-shoes, because what do man-shoes look like anyway?). While she's looking, I start (foolishly?) looking for shoes on my own, because I'm bored, but I found some awesome Nike Shox in PURPLE (how frickin cool!!!). I didn't bother to even ask to try a pair on, because there was no way I was going to spend $100 on a friggin' pair of shoes. But those same purple shoes were also in KIDS for $30 less!! And they had my size!! (size 5.5 in KIDS!!!) So, sigh, needless to say, I could not resist. So much for that twisted logic about shoe stores. :)
I've decided that once I get a job, I am getting two things: 1- MVP at Hollywood Video (need. to. watch. movies!) and 2- Muppet Show Season 1 on dvd.
Sigh. Back to job-hunting!
p.s. I have no idea why there is a huge gap between the title and the post. if anyone can offer insight, i would greatly appreciate it! i have been looking at the template and can't find anything! sorry about the inconvenience ;)

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