Where did the sheep get tap shoes????
Sunday, September 18, 2005
Caaaaaaaaan't waaaaaaaaait!
Oh-my-GOD. I can't wait until this whole working then moving ordeal is OVER!! It's not even that my family is driving me insane, but I really don't want to even THINK about packing (didn't I JUST pack?? like, my entire existance fit into one dorm room? ack). Oh, there is so much to do.
You know what pisses me off? Republicans. The election was like, ten months ago. I think we can drop the commentary about Bush and how great he is, thanks. If Jeb Bush runs in 2008 and wins, god damnit, I am hightailing it out of this country and moving to Canada. No joke. Toronto is a lovely city. :)
I am so boring. I went out to dinner and a movie with Adam tonight, that was fun. Other than that, I have spent much of my time packing, or pretending to pack, as well as spending time with my kitty, who is, according to my sister, on her death bed (whatever). She's old and sick, but she's not dying! It's not like I want her to live while she's in pain, and if she gets to be in very evident pain, we'll take her in.
Well, what a note to end on. Yay bed. :)

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