Tuesday, September 27, 2005
Update on that whole work-thing...
So, today was day two. I'm just going to say right off the bat that I hate orientation, especially large company orientations. I had to sit through a shortened, condensed version of orientation for Columbia (back in the day) that was only like, 45 minutes long, and THAT was boring. THIS has been two days of sheer boredom! Blah!
I already have an aversion to getting up early (but does that surprise anyone??? haha). I've gotten up at 7am for the past two days (well, 6:40 on Monday), but probably 7am from now on...boo!!!
Anyway, so Monday, we had to check in by 8:15 (we started at 8:30). We were supposed to bring a form of ID that shows that we are eligible for work in the United States, and our options were to bring a state-issued ID and a social security card OR a passport. Not having a passport, I opted for bringing my driver's license and my social security card - which has been in my wallet for the last four years ... or so I thought. Upon getting to work, I found out that my social security card was not in my wallet - realizing that I took it out and put it in the firesafe at home when I went to Ohio in order to not lose it. Having done that in May, I didn't remember it wasn't in there. Needless to say, the woman checking people in was not forgiving. You can go get your picture taken, she tells me, but then you must leave the building and you are not allowed to return until you have a social security card. But, my card is in Milwaukee, I tell her, and she replies by telling me that is too bad, and that I have to go to the social security office in Green Bay and get a new one. Well, actually, not a new card, but proof that I'm getting a new card. The social security office doesn't even OPEN until 9am...so I go to the office, wait for my half hour, get my little piece of paper that says I've applied for a new card, and leave. I get back to work at 10am, an hour and a half late. The morning orientation was boring, and for lunch we got to meet with our trainers and our department supervisors. Our trainer was just generally unfriendly to the group, and declared that rather than sitting and watching us eat lunch, she would sit away from us and then we could ask her questions if any came up (if you're not sitting with us, how are we going to come up with questions? and are you really approachable if you're not even willing to sit with the group?). Then we got to meet another supervisor for one of the other offices who wanted to recruit some of us to go to her office (and I totally would have - she was really nice and friendly, but her office was another 20-25 minutes further and I think a 45 minute drive would be a bitch). After meeting her, we got to meet our own supervisor. Our trainer introduced him to the group and he was like "Hi, I'll be your supervisor. Well. I know which one Travis is. Haha." (there was only one male in the group). Then he went to go sit with the trainer and they didn't speak to us during lunch. Great, huh??
The afternoon was really boring, today was really boring, I hate getting up early, but hopefully the trainer and supervisor won't be as terrible tomorrow when we meet with them again...
I love the corporate world already...