Where did the sheep get tap shoes????
Sunday, February 26, 2006
Adventures a la Ripon...
Why is it that Ripon has been more fun for the, what, three weekends I've been there than it was for all four years?? (Okay, definitely not true, but it seems like it sometimes, haha).
So, as you could maybe tell by the title, I spent Friday in Ripon...which was much much fun!! I got to Rodman (my home!) and caught up with Jean, then met Jhenny! Yay! Much fun! We went to Big Stella's for dinner, then went to see the, um, string trio (WITH OBOE!) concert. The string trio was awesome, the oboist was pretty awesome. They even did the Mozart piece (but the whole thing) that I did on my recital. But, as Tom and I concluded, we had them beat, well, almost. They had a very tall Asian man playing violin, and we had a semi-tall white boy with funny hair. So they had us beat there, and their viola player made better faces than Krysta, so I guess that's a plus there too. But aside from that, we had them beat!
After the concert, we caught headed over to Miller's. At first, it was sad that it was Friday night because as any Riponite of bar ages know, Friday night is Townie Karaoke Night. Nevertheless, Ripon cheap drinks won out, and we met up with the whole crew of many people I never got to drink with (Ben, Travis, Krysta, Allison), as well as Buddy and Steph J. Sadly, no Motz, no Natti, no Buttface (aka Chris). But we had fun. We gave Krysta her first shot, and we listened to many townie renditions of good and not-so-good songs, including the worst rendition of Kung-Fu Fighting (an already bad song) done by a very drunk townie. Complete with Kung Fu kicks. It was worse than the actual music video. Yes, it was that bad. I wish I'd had a camera. Or better yet, a video camera.
The thing about Ripon that you don't really learn until you leave is that the free entertainment never ends. I've never even seen a wind-up ass slap by a drunk townie before. Only in Ripon. :)
Cat-naming contest!

Okay, it's not really a contest (but if you want a prize, I'll make cookies. Maybe. My cookies usually tend to fail. Oh! I'll send you some cheese. There.)
But, prize or not....the kitty is soon to be my kitty! (insert much rejoicing)...
Soooooooooooo...now I need a name for the kitty....
This is the only picture I have of the kitty, who has a terrible name already.
So! Submit your names for the cat!! :)
Saturday, February 18, 2006
A happy birthday to my favorite (and only) little sister....only one more year left until you're legal to drink!!!
I'm trying to decide whether or not to go to the ballet tomorrow - Milwaukee is doing Scheherazade and it's been since about April of last year since I've gone to be cultured and seen some good performances (wait, I went to the ripon orchestra concert last april - ripon college orchestra under the direction of SKIGEE and minus yours truly so it's been even longer...march, mayhaps). But I don't really want to drive to Milwaukee tomorrow only to drive back on Sunday night/Monday morning (blah) and then potentially drive down to Milwaukee AGAIN on Tuesday night/Wednesday morning for Joe's dad's interment service (did I spell that right?). And then to drive to Ripon on Friday to see a good piece of classical music - an oboe concert! Huzzah!
Of course I do have the opportunity to go to see an oboe concert today, but it'd be at Lawrence, a senior recital of the chick that Skigee hired to replace me in the aforementioned orchestra concert (say it with me: OF DOOM). So maybe I'll just go home and play my piano instead.
Shorewood High School is doing a rendition of You're a Good Man, Charlie Brown which is almost the most exciting thing I've heard all week. Except for finding out that You're a Good Man will be done much closer to me in April over at Lawrence.
Sigh. My life is boring. I'm almost ready to go see an opera - just for fun. ;)
On a more exciting note, Beth is going to DC in, um, April? to hang out with Dana & Matt. So I ask you three one small favor...take a picture, and then figure out a way to photoshop me into it, so I can say I was in DC too. :)
Addendum, 2:15pm: So....I just heard back from the cat place! I'll probably be setting up a meeting with the kitty's foster family in the next week or so...yay! I might be getting a cat soon!! I'm super excited. Now I need to find a name for the cat...so, should I go with the family trend of naming the cat after another animal (ie, Bear, Mouse), or a dead relative (shudder, Izzy...worst name ever)?
And of course while reading my email (but not responding, it's definitely not the cool thing to do, that or I'm just lazy)....Shorewood Class of 2001 five year reunion?? Because I know I definitely want to go to that one. Or not. :) Hit me up in five more years guys, maybe the 10 year reunion. In case there are people from the c/o 2001 (um, I guess it's you, Wilburmeister) who want the info, let me know. I'll send it to you.
Tuesday, February 14, 2006
And now....an ode to valentine's day!
Happy Valentine's Poems, everyone....
I thought that I could love no other,
Until, that is, I met your brother.
Roses are red, violets are blue, sugar is sweet and so are you.
But the roses are wilting, the violets are dead, the sugar bowl's empty and so is your head.
Of loving beauty you float with grace
If only you could hide your face.
Kind, intelligent, loving and hot
This describes everything you're not.
I want to feel your sweet embrace
But don't take that paper bag off your face.
My darling, my lover, my beautiful wife:
Marrying you really screwed up my life!
I see your face when I am dreaming,
That's why I always wake up screaming.
My love, you take my breath away,
What have you stepped in to smell that way?
What inspired this amorous rhyme?
Two parts vodka, one part lime.
Happy Valentine's Day!!
Saturday, February 11, 2006
So much for a post coming soon...
As promised, I didn't post anything. I was going to, but I lost interest mid-post and gave up. Oh well. Couldn't have been that interesting.
Well, I've uploaded some more pictures on my photoblog...yay! So go check those out.
I hung out with Adam last night - huzzah! Since we haven't seen each other since like, August or early September, so that was pretty exciting. And we went to Alterra! I miss Milwaukee sooooooooo much sometimes! I hope I move back to Milwaukee someday...provided it doesn't turn into the next Detroit.
Anyway, I'm lacking on my updates and I've been lax in returning emails, so if you want to hear from me, try emailing me again, or just wait patiently for another couple months. Apologies in advance, I'm too cheap to get internet in my apartment. :)
But I might be getting a cat! Sooooooooo excited about that. Then my photoblog will be all about my cat. :) Just kidding. :)
Thursday, February 02, 2006
Political commentary coming soon, but first, a sentence or two...
So, I'm sure you're sitting there thinking, what's with the short posts? Well, I have a political post all planned out about why the state of Wisconsin rocks in my book right now, as well as why Republicans are dumb....(no offense to any republican readers)
But in the meantime, do take the time to read this Eugene Kane column from the Milwaukee Journal Sentinel....(you may have to register, but it's free. and this column is so funny, it's worth it). Then, bust out a video of Bush's state of the union address (does anyone have one? i don't have anything to do on friday night as well as a bottle of raspberry vodka and a bottle of apple pucker. and i will go out to find diet-orangeade which mixes surprisingly well with Karkov Raspberry Vodka found for $4.99 at Otto's in Milwaukee)...p.s. if anyone has a video of the state of the union address and wants to join me, feel free to give me a buzz and come up to appleton and we'll drink ourselves under the table to his speech. Game rules found in the column. :)
Ready, set, DRINK!