Saturday, February 18, 2006
A happy birthday to my favorite (and only) little sister....only one more year left until you're legal to drink!!!
I'm trying to decide whether or not to go to the ballet tomorrow - Milwaukee is doing Scheherazade and it's been since about April of last year since I've gone to be cultured and seen some good performances (wait, I went to the ripon orchestra concert last april - ripon college orchestra under the direction of SKIGEE and minus yours truly so it's been even longer...march, mayhaps). But I don't really want to drive to Milwaukee tomorrow only to drive back on Sunday night/Monday morning (blah) and then potentially drive down to Milwaukee AGAIN on Tuesday night/Wednesday morning for Joe's dad's interment service (did I spell that right?). And then to drive to Ripon on Friday to see a good piece of classical music - an oboe concert! Huzzah!
Of course I do have the opportunity to go to see an oboe concert today, but it'd be at Lawrence, a senior recital of the chick that Skigee hired to replace me in the aforementioned orchestra concert (say it with me: OF DOOM). So maybe I'll just go home and play my piano instead.
Shorewood High School is doing a rendition of You're a Good Man, Charlie Brown which is almost the most exciting thing I've heard all week. Except for finding out that You're a Good Man will be done much closer to me in April over at Lawrence.
Sigh. My life is boring. I'm almost ready to go see an opera - just for fun. ;)
On a more exciting note, Beth is going to DC in, um, April? to hang out with Dana & Matt. So I ask you three one small favor...take a picture, and then figure out a way to photoshop me into it, so I can say I was in DC too. :)
Addendum, 2:15pm: So....I just heard back from the cat place! I'll probably be setting up a meeting with the kitty's foster family in the next week or so...yay! I might be getting a cat soon!! I'm super excited. Now I need to find a name for the, should I go with the family trend of naming the cat after another animal (ie, Bear, Mouse), or a dead relative (shudder, Izzy...worst name ever)?
And of course while reading my email (but not responding, it's definitely not the cool thing to do, that or I'm just lazy)....Shorewood Class of 2001 five year reunion?? Because I know I definitely want to go to that one. Or not. :) Hit me up in five more years guys, maybe the 10 year reunion. In case there are people from the c/o 2001 (um, I guess it's you, Wilburmeister) who want the info, let me know. I'll send it to you.