Where did the sheep get tap shoes????
Thursday, April 27, 2006
I can call you Betty, and Betty when you call me, you can call me Al!
So, Mill Creek (a local watering hole on College Ave) has this wonderful thing called "80s Night" every Wednesday. Having put off my 80s night debut for the last couple weeks (though last week I had a good excuse - free tickets to a comedy club), I finally made my 80s night debut with Courtney, Katie, Mary (aka Shoutsy) and Erin. Shoutsy decided to bypass the parachute pants this time, but it was still a good time. See, the freaking coolest thing about 80s night is that it's not even just about the songs....it's also about the freaking huge TVs that they have playing the videos! How freaking cool is that????
Anyway, I was also introduced to the greatness of the Hotdog Man on College Ave - the Hot Dog man freaking rocks my socks - where else can you get such service for a $1.50?? And the pickles at Jimmy Johns along with day old bread that was, might I add, free because the Jimmy Johns workers are awesome too. 80s night is wonderful!!
Speaking of other wonderful things, the Timber Rattlers are playing again. So there will be minor league baseball fun this summer (which is much cheaper than major league baseball, as well as closer and not as much of a mess with parking, though it will be sad to not see Bernie Brewer at games with his slide that should still end in a beer pitcher - whoa, run-on sentence).
Also wonderful things to count down to:
5 days to Cats!
8 working days till the carpool from hell ends!
13 days till Sigur Ros in Milwaukee
15 days till townie fun in Redgranite with Joe & Andy...oh, it doesn't get much better than this. Seriously. :)
Memorial Day is coming up along with a free-three day weekend (no vacation day required), and then Kevin's wedding in June. Yea, things should be fun for the next few weeks.
Now, if only I could get my cat to stop waking me up at 7am...considering I don't get up until 8:30....
Oh yeah, and there may be Cat #2 in the future...but we shall see.

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