Where did the sheep get tap shoes????
Sunday, April 23, 2006
Spoke too soon...
So, after this fucking terrible weekend, I find out that my last post was another outlet of Famous Last Words (boy, those have been MIA for a while).
First off, mooch-girl got a car, but it broke down on Friday morning, so hence, I had to drive her home on Friday night.
Then, I get a phone call tonight saying that she can't drive her car until she gets an occupational license, and god knows when that will be. She says she's going to try and get said license this week, and if that doesn't happen, put her two weeks in at work. Best case scenario: only a few more days of driving her. Not-as-great scenario: Two week notice = only two more weeks of driving her (but that means two more weeks of getting fucked over moneywise). Worst case scenario: She will wait to get occupational license and not put in two week notice.
In the meantime, I, in a futile effort to try and get SOME sort of reimbursement for the last miserable nine weeks of my own life, declare that I need gas money tomorrow for the last three weeks and charge her $40. Not because she owes me $40. By all of my calculations, I figure she owes me at least $52.50. And that is the bare minimum. But if I asked for the full $52.50, I know I wouldn't get it because I know she doesn't have it right now, therefore forcing me to get payments, but I will never get paid past the first payment. And that's not including any days I'll be driving her this week...
And I know I've given this lesson before, but please don't let your car insurance lapse, and if you lose your license, GO GET YOUR FUCKING OCCUPATIONAL AS SOON AS YOU CAN FOR THE LOVE OF GOD! And if for some reason that's not possible, and you DO need to get a ride with someone else, FUCKING PAY THEM! In nine weeks of driving her (and might I add, going OUT OF MY WAY - driving SOUTH to pick her up so I can then drive NORTH to work), I've made a measly $85. Yippee, $9.44 per week. And if by some stroke of luck, I do get the additional $40, that brings it up to $125 for nine weeks, equaling to a whopping $13.88 per week. God, I'm glad I've been lucky enough to participate in a one-sided carpool with the flakiest person on the face of the earth.

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