Where did the sheep get tap shoes????
Saturday, May 20, 2006
Further proof I'm not a college student anymore...
Yes folks, I went out drinking last night. It's what, the second time I've gotten drunk since I graduated from college (how sad is that??). Can I just say that my tolerance is SHOT TO HELL??? Oy vey, what a sad day.
After a huge dinner full of carbs, it only took two drinks and two shots to have me passing out by 12:30. Sigh.
And now I'm prepping up to go out for Katie's birthday tonight. This will include lounging on the couch all day as I need to recuperate from last night (no hangover, miraculously, haha).
But the good news is, it's nice out today. For once, a day off with no rain!!!! I celebrated by walking to the pharmacy. Oh, exciting is my life. But I must say, I don't like this no sidewalks shit.
Cheers to the lounging all day!
My Quote of the Night:
Joe: Nice rims!!!
Andy: Lauren's neighborhood is full of them.
Joe: Yes, I saw lots of pimp my rides on this block!
Lauren: Oh fuck yeah, they're pulling into my parking lot!

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