Friday, May 26, 2006
High quality, I tell ya...
Well, I have my cell phone back (okay, it's a new one because I'm a retard, but let's not get into that, just know that I have a cell phone and eventually I'll have your number reprogrammed unless it's either a-changed or b-you've given it to me after July 2005, then please send it again!), so that's happy!
My adorable S'mores now has her own myspace (because I'm a big huge dork).
It's muggier than Hades out here, gotta love Wisconsin weather!
But mainly, I would just like to give huge props to the high quality of the outside door to my apartment building. To my apartment door - you piece of shit! I am tired of fighting with you for five minutes whenever you are not propped!!! I have a god-damn key! STOP MAKING ME FIGHT WITH YOU!!!
This not-opening until five minutes have passed gets real old when I either a-have my hands full or b-really have to go to the bathroom!
Okay, I'm going to Milwaukee for the weekend, and will not have to deal with my apartment door for two glorious days.