Wednesday, September 06, 2006
I love my cat, but not this much!

I got this in my email today from PetsMart. Now anyone who knows me knows that I LOVE my cat. But I do not love my cat enough to buy her a freaking color-coordinated bedroom set. You want to know why I find this to be pointless??
Do you KNOW where my cat sleeps?? My cat sleeps WHERE EVER SHE WANTS. This could be anywhere from under a chair to the top of the couch to bed to the floor.
Oh, and my cat already has her designated bed. And I got it for FREE. It is a BOX. Yes, a box. You know why she sleeps in a box?? Because SHE WANTED TO. I ordered some music online, it came in a box, I took the music out of the box, left the box on the floor to remove later, and voila. My cat crawled in the box, and hasn't really left since. Someone explain to me why I would buy a cat bed, when I got a box for FREE. And the kitty cave?? I can tell you how to make one for much cheaper - THROW A SHEET OVER A CHAIR! Then kitty will have their own little fort. They think it's great. And, get this, you're using things you have in your house already!
And with the minor exception of her feather toy that cost 92 cents plus tax at Walmart, my cat prefers to play with things that we don't buy her. The cat (who I might add, is spoiled rotten) has a box full of toys but prefers to play with paper, bugs, and invisible bumps in the carpet. I find it hard to justify buying cat toys (even though I do anyway, but I go for the cheap ones. Preferably under a dollar. I have all intentions of growing my own catnip should I buy a house so I don't have to buy it).
Either way...a line of "Beds, toys, bowls, blankets and accessories that are COLOR COORDINATED and will compliment your CHIC kitty's style"...yeah, I love my cat. But not that much.