Where did the sheep get tap shoes????
Monday, November 27, 2006
Today I saw the most disgusting bumper sticker on the back of Appleton's very own, albeit much toned down version of the Jesusmobile (if you are a Milwaukee native, you know what I am referring to)....Appleton's is much less obnoxious. Instead of a beat-up old station wagon it is a white car, and there is no jackass using a megaphone to tell you you're going to hell. But, the white car is plastered with stickers telling you that you're going to hell (okay, maybe I lied, but you get my point).
Anyway, the one that kind of pissed me off A LOT said this:
Friends don't let friends be homos.
I had a burning desire to rear-end that guy, but that wouldn't be very Christian-like and despite what some people may think of me it IS possible to be Christian as well as being socially and politically liberal.
It sickens me to think that people actually think that being a "homo" (I would prefer to use the term homosexual, thanks) is a choice.
Because IT'S NOT!!
When I was younger and consequently more stupid and sheltered, I used to think that homosexual people were in the wrong.
Then I met the most amazing person who was the most sincere Christian person I have ever met. He was outgoing and fun, always had a smile on his face and totally practiced what he preached - that being a very Christian lifestyle. In fact, that person was studying to be a Lutheran pastor.
Very abruptly he left the study, and nobody knew why. It wasn't until months later that I found out why: he was gay.
His sexual orientation caused him to have to leave his ideal job, he had studied to become a pastor because he was truly a believer.
Why would someone like that CHOOSE to be gay?? Why would he CHOOSE to be completely ostracized from his religion, from his calling to be a pastor???
Yeah, I don't think that would be the choice of many.
And how could I, after that, believe that sexual orientation was a choice?? Why would anyone choose to be gay...to possibly lose family and friends who don't understand. Why would they want to pick a lifestyle that would have them running into closed doors everywhere....whether it be socially, religiously, or politically??
It sickens me to think that people could be so close minded. Homosexuality isn't a choice. I just wish that more people would realize it.
I also wish that more people, even if they were against homosexuality, would at least be open-minded to the fact that people are different from them and accept it blindly.

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