Where did the sheep get tap shoes????
Friday, May 26, 2006
High quality, I tell ya...
Well, I have my cell phone back (okay, it's a new one because I'm a retard, but let's not get into that, just know that I have a cell phone and eventually I'll have your number reprogrammed unless it's either a-changed or b-you've given it to me after July 2005, then please send it again!), so that's happy!
My adorable S'mores now has her own myspace (because I'm a big huge dork).
It's muggier than Hades out here, gotta love Wisconsin weather!
But mainly, I would just like to give huge props to the high quality of the outside door to my apartment building. To my apartment door - you piece of shit! I am tired of fighting with you for five minutes whenever you are not propped!!! I have a god-damn key! STOP MAKING ME FIGHT WITH YOU!!!
This not-opening until five minutes have passed gets real old when I either a-have my hands full or b-really have to go to the bathroom!
Okay, I'm going to Milwaukee for the weekend, and will not have to deal with my apartment door for two glorious days.
Saturday, May 20, 2006
Further proof I'm not a college student anymore...
Yes folks, I went out drinking last night. It's what, the second time I've gotten drunk since I graduated from college (how sad is that??). Can I just say that my tolerance is SHOT TO HELL??? Oy vey, what a sad day.
After a huge dinner full of carbs, it only took two drinks and two shots to have me passing out by 12:30. Sigh.
And now I'm prepping up to go out for Katie's birthday tonight. This will include lounging on the couch all day as I need to recuperate from last night (no hangover, miraculously, haha).
But the good news is, it's nice out today. For once, a day off with no rain!!!! I celebrated by walking to the pharmacy. Oh, exciting is my life. But I must say, I don't like this no sidewalks shit.
Cheers to the lounging all day!
My Quote of the Night:
Joe: Nice rims!!!
Andy: Lauren's neighborhood is full of them.
Joe: Yes, I saw lots of pimp my rides on this block!
Lauren: Oh fuck yeah, they're pulling into my parking lot!
Monday, May 15, 2006
One year what?
I'm tampering with the time stamp on this as I tend to do when I forget to update.
May 15, 2006...it's now been one entire year since I walked across the uh, union steps in the freezing cold that was Ripon College class of 2005's graduation.
Has it already been one year? Sure as hell doesn't seem possible.
This time one year ago, I was packing up my life's existance, saying goodbye to people I would never see again, and slightly choking up while driving the little red escort away from Ripon. Wow.
And life now? Well, it has its ups and downs.
I must confess that while I really don't like my job, I do like that I'm not in school. I really didn't like school when it boils down to it. I didn't particularly like sitting in class (whether it was interesting or not but more so if it was boring and/or I was less than enthused by the topic). I really didn't like homework. I didn't like college drama. I didn't particularly like living in the dorms, but hey, it's an existance. Yes. Looking back there were a lot of things I didn't like about college that I was not too terribly sad to bid farewell too.
But I do miss school. Not that class or homework thing, but I miss the late night camaraderie in Rodman (especially in Rodman)...burning the midnight oil and procrastinating on homework or practicing with other people. We had a common amusement/distaste for the creepy security guard and we all had similar amusing stories of hearing how he used to play guitar and was in a band...
I also miss my friends. I miss staying up late with people (and not in rodman)...maybe in the hallway maybe in someone's room, but staying up late and being stupid or not being stupid. Staying up til 4 am or maybe 6:30am and just hanging out. It didn't particularly matter if we had things to do because we always almost slept through our 8ams anyway.
I miss that all of the bars were within walking distance. There's just something about knowing that you have to either a-stay sober enough to drive home later or just drink it all right away and sober up through the night or b- sucker someone into driving you home and staying sober all night.
And I miss that all the bars were in walking distance AND all of the people I would go to the bars with were also within walking distance. I work with a great group of people - but let's face it, we're spread throughout the Fox Valley: Appleton, Green Bay, Oconto (FALLS), Kaukauna, etc etc. And it's not like Appleton and Green Bay are far from each other, but in the context of going out drinking, they're plenty far.
And yes, periodically I miss classes too. I miss learning stuff. My life is monotonous these days, Mondays and Fridays are interchangeable.
I sure as hell miss the workouts from college - the "how fast can I walk from Todd Wehr to Rodman as I only have 8 minutes before my next class starts and it's all uphill???" Ahh yes, who needed to go to the gym in college anyway!!!
But, life goes on...and college does come to an end.
You learn to miss it.
But thank god it's over.
For all that I miss about college, I don't think I'd ever go through it again.
Saturday, May 13, 2006
Townie what?
So, get this, I go all the way to Townie Bar night and leave el-camera at home.
And there were so many fun pictures that I didn't take.
But of course this means it must be re-scheduled (and preferably without the god damn rain!)....
It's late and I'm tired, but at least I don't smell like a stale cigarette. But I forsee a townie bar night in July or June or sometime where there will be townie bar fun complete with drunkenness!! (and lots of pictures of how northern Wisconsin has not evolved. at all. hello, flying Confederate flag, anyone? no, i'm not kidding. i will take a picture to prove it.).
Alas, that is it.
Monday, May 08, 2006
So, now that is out of my system...lots to do this week...some good, some meh.
I spent the best 30 bucks I've ever spent today - the soundtrack to Rent! Yeah, I'm sure you can guess I'll be listening to that nonstop (it's now in my iPod!). Then again, that is GOOD because I have a 2-hour drive to Milwaukee to do twice this week ... Tuesday night and either Wednesday night after Sigur Ros or Thursday morning ... and listening to Rent the whole way! I have a slight obsession with the movie and the soundtrack, now to see the play. I can't believe I missed it in Appleton and Milwaukee...damn. This obsession is definitely competing with my obsession to Chicago back in 2003, though I never saw Rent in the movie theatre while I saw Chicago there four times...oh well.
Friday is Townie Bar Day! And cheese. Union Star cheese. And Elmers. Townie Bars though, gotta love 'em! It'll be kind of like Crooked Lake, except there will be more than just one bar.
Anyway, this week I have to take the cat to the vet, get my oil changed, go to Milwaukee, go to the bank, and then, the highlights: Sigur Ros and Townie Bar Day!
Sigh, must work 11:30 to 8pm tomorrow. Bah. But only 2 days of work this week!!!!!!!!!
This post is cryptic, but that's because I'm tired.
Oh, and for those of you who don't read the livejournal, I kicked Mooch to the curb because she thought that $40 was an outrageous amount for me to ask for in gas money, even though it was after driving her for three weeks without seeing a dime. So bah to her, kicked her to the curb! Hooray for me!
Monday, May 01, 2006
And the results!
So, props to everyone who submitted their votes as to how the ride situation would play itself out for today.
"Will Mooch call me on Monday morning when I don't show up to pick her up??"
A. Yes
B. No
If you answered yes, what time do you think she'll call me? I usually pick her up between 9:15 and 9:20.
A. 8:30
B. 9:00
C. 9:15
D. 9:20
E. 9:25
F. 9:30
G. 9:40
H. Other - please specify - 9:22AM
She calls at one of the aforementioned times, will she then...
A. Call work and tell them she'll be late, asking me to pick her up before I leave
B. Call in sick.
C. Tell me I never told her I was switching hours!
D. Frantically try and find a ride
(can pick more than one of those options)
First: D. Frantically try and find a ride. Then, A. Call work and tell them she'll be late, asking me to pick her up before I leave.
So, there's the answer. Big props to Megan for being 1 minute off the time with which Mooch called to ask for a ride. :)
A quick rundown of this AM for your amusement (but you can skip over it if you just wanted to see the results)
9:22 - Mooch calls me. Leaves a message.
9:24 - Mary calls me, warning me that Mooch is looking for a ride.
Mooch's message then asks if it would be possible for me to pick her up, as she has called work to tell them she would be late after frantically calling Mary to find out if Mary could drive her to work. The funny thing about Mooch's message and her late start time is that she calls work to tell them that she will be in at 11, but yours truly does not start until 11:30. Essentially, she expects me to leave 1/2 hour earlier so that she can be on time. Mooch also does not realize that I have stayed at Andy's apartment for Sunday night, and he lives off of Ballard Road, while she lives off of College Ave (translation for non Wisconsin/Appleton people: Two points that are way the fuck away from each other - College Ave being about 7-8 miles SOUTH of Ballard Road THROUGH Appleton...and Mooch's house being about 2-3 miles WEST of Hwy 41...oh, and Andy is about a mile EAST of Hwy 41...so do the math, a quick mapquest reveals that Mooch's house is 10.68 miles SOUTHWEST of where I am. But anyway, I digress). So, had I decided to actually pick her up, I would have essentially had to leave around 10:15 so that Mooch could be on time to work at 11, while I would not be starting till 11:30.
10:00 - Mooch calls me again, telling me that she has called work to clear that she would be able to go in at 11:00. She also mentions the $50 she is giving me, as if that will make up my mind (no shit Mooch, you'd owe me another $10 or so just for today, you douche bag)
10:01 - Mary calls
10:02 - Mary calls from work, to inform me that Mooch has called in, and told our Team Lead that it was OK, because she would be late, but that Lauren is giving her a ride for sure (which is funny, since she HADN'T TALKED TO ME). Mary tells me to not answer my phone for sure, and not call her back.
10:20 or so - Mooch calls one last time, leaves no message
10:55 - I leave for work.
11:15 - Arrive at work, no Mooch
12:00 - Mooch arrives at work. I hear through the grapevine she paid her sister $10 to drive her. Which means I will probably only be getting $40 of the $50 she owes me.
The rest of the day passes uneventfully, and Mooch continues to ignore that I exist. Wonderful. Too bad I don't have to drive her sorry ass to work tomorrow.
Again, congrats to Megan for guessing that Mooch would call at 9:23. :)