Where did the sheep get tap shoes????
Wednesday, September 27, 2006
Politics in the workplace?
Oh look, it's an overload of blog posts in a very short amount of time...must mean there is too much controversy in my life that I feel compelled to comment on!
I roused myself early this morning, which, as anyone who knows me knows is almost downright impossible for me to do, for an 8:30am sales meeting. Well, at least it was advertised to be at 8:30, and it was supposed to be strictly about sales. Weird how things work out though...
The first 20 minutes of said supposed "sales meeting" was one of my stupid coworkers (who I really hate anyway, this has nothing to do with it, it just adds fuel to the fire!) rambling on and on about politics.
I was always under the impression that there are things you should leave OUT of the work place: for example, personal lives, religion, and politics.
Yet this morning, for about 15 minutes I had to hear the stupid conservative ramblings of my idiot coworker.
And he REALLY pissed me off, on a number of levels.
First, I went to a sales meeting, not a political rally. Had I known I would have gotten to work at 8:30 so that I could sit there until 8:55 listening to political discussion that was completely one-sided, I would have slept later and gotten to work at 8:55, clearly I did not miss anything important.
Second, I felt VERY insulted. I was listening to a one-sided conservative Bush fan go on an on about the following things:
1. Liberals are stupid.
2. The Republican party will split because the Democrats won't be able to keep up unless they go back to their roots, with no Democrats the Republicans will have to run against someone...
3. The reason the country is in such bad shape is because of this theory...it's because of the 60s generation of hippies. The logic behind thid argument is because hippies have no values, and consequently, the children of hippies will not have values either.
4. George W Bush is a great President, Clinton was a moron.
5. The Democratic party needs to go back to their roots (like I mentioned before) because they are more Green than Democratic, with small but vocal groups such as those who are pro-choice and gay rights. The Democrats are going to be forced to go back to being pro-life because that's what everyone wants, and they are going to have to move away from gay rights groups...etc.
What the hell do you say to such a fucking moron?????
First of all, I consider myself to be liberal, but I consider myself to be a well-read liberal...if I don't know about a particular issue, I read about it, and THEN make my decision. I do NOT appreciate being called stupid. Generally, I don't make political decisions based on party lines. I will confess to having voted 100% Democrat in the 2004 election, but who the fuck was I supposed to vote for - George W Bush?? Yeah RIGHT. For example, in the upcoming mudslinging race, I would have totally voted for Terri McCormick had she defeated John Gard (provided Jamie Wall hadn't won the Democratic ticket), why? Because I think that Steve Kagen is an idiot too. (I like how I am airing my political choices on the internet, but c'est la vie. I don't actually know who I'm voting for in the Kagen vs. Gard race). But anyway. The issue is that someone saying point blank that liberals are stupid in a work-related meeting should NOT be allowed. However, not wanting to stoop to his level (and what's the point in arguing with someone who is not only opinionated, but cannot accept that other people have different opinions....), I kept my mouth shut. I don't think that politics should be discussed at work, period....unless two (or more) people are willing to have a discussion...I however, was not OK with his comments.
In retalitation to #2...if the Democrats should go back to their roots, so should the Republicans! When the Republican party was founded, I'm pretty sure that those people in Ripon who founded it weren't imaging it would evolve the way it has today...
And as for the hippie comment, I think my parents were sort-of hippies. So, they don't have values then, and consequently, I don't have values. Well hell. Do you NOT know that half the freaking country was a hippie in the 1960s??? (slight exaggeration I'm sure, but you get my point)...either way, that's a lot of kids who have no values.
Another point my idiotic close-minded fucktard coworker made is that we shouldn't be so hard on Bush because he is a bad public speaker. According to him, public speaking was unimportant until the onset of TV and radio because nobody actually heard the presidents talk until then. So, by his logic, if Bush had been president 100 years ago, it wouldn't be so bad. Except that it's NOT 100 years ago, it's the 21st century and public speaking IS important and someone who can't speak well maybe shouldn't consider running for president. Besides, who cares if he's a bad public speaker, it's not like his grade in college back him up!!!!
I don't even know what to say to #5.
Maybe I am being old-fashioned, but let's poll you guys. Do you think my coworker had the right to bash people who don't agree with him in a situation such as work meeting?? I don't think politics should be allowed in the workplace at all, but I've overheard political conversations at work before, and I just make myself scarce. I don't offer my political opinions for the precise reason that I don't think that anyone should form a different opinion of me based on my political views. My political views are simply that: MINE.
I know I'm on a soapbox here, but I don't really freaking care. So, I'm sorry if I dropped a few names here and there, but let me have a few last words.
I enjoy political banter, especially with people who disagree with me. I find it entertaining to dispute with people who enjoy disputing with me. I respect pretty much anyone who can back their opinions and I respect anyone who respects me. I would rather argue with someone who disagrees with me yet is well-read than agree with someone who can't back up their opinions. But I don't think people should be allowed to rant about politicals, especially when they are bashing other people's opinions, when work is involved.
Your thoughts please...
Tuesday, September 26, 2006
I still miss you...

Well it's been a year since my kitty died.
And as childish as this may seem, I still miss her every single day.
It's hard to lose a pet, and I think losing Bear was the hardest...she was my kitty for 16 years!!!
I just wish I'd gotten to say goodbye to her instead of leaving for work on Sunday night, knowing I'd probably never get to see my baby again...
But Bear, wherever you are now, I'm sure you're way happier than living with cancer...and I don't think I'll ever forget you.
And no matter what, there will never be another kitty who will ever replace you, you'll always be the very best kitty in the whole wide world, especially to me.
Sunday, September 24, 2006
First politics, now sex! When did this get so controversial???
The other day, as I was bored and perusing facebook (ah, the joys of having nothing better to do with my time)...I was clicking here and there and somehow ended up in a group regarding premarital sex and how people were against it (i don't know how i ended up there, you never know where groups are going to take you, and what's with the new facebook stalking? anyway, another topic, i'd cover it some other time if i really cared, but i digress...).
Okay, first off, I'd like to say that I have absolutely NO problem with people who wait. I am not one to say what you can and can not do, and if you choose to wait, more power to you for making a decision and sticking to it. I have no problems with people who choose to wait till marriage to have sex. That said, I'd like to express my disgust and cynicism with the arguments that some people are making for waiting...
That said though, I'd like to state that I have no tolerance for people who think they're better than you because they are waiting. That's bullshit. You make your decisions, I'll make mine. I am not judging you for waiting, don't judge me for not waiting. Saying stuff like "my parents raised me better than that" just sounds like you think you're better than other people. And that attitude will get you nowhere. I'm sure many parents would like to think that, but let's face reality here...
Maybe I'm just cynical and read too far into things, but to me, the following argument actually contradicts pretty much any other arguments: I Don't Want to have Sex before Marriage because I'm afraid that I will compare my husband/wife to my other sexual partners.
This statement is often being said AFTER everyone goes on about religious views and how God says they should wait because sex is a special gift for husband and wife. So maybe I'm just cynical, but if sex is going to be great with your spouse just because they are your spouse, isn't it just a given that your spouse will be better than anyone else you've ever slept with? I mean, if you are supposed to be together, then sex is just going to be great? Apparently, if you have sex with other people, it could possibly be less great because someone else could be better. Which then just contradicts that whole argument, at least in my opinion.
And another argument that I find to be pointless and contradictory...If you were to wait till marriage, you won't know if the wedding sex sucked....WHAT???? Let's just review the other point that has been made...if you're married, shouldn't it be great because you're married (according to the argument made, i don't necessarily agree). I don't even know what to say about that argument...
But yea, I'm just being cynical as always. I don't really have a problem with people who wait. It's their own personal choice and more power to them to sticking to that choice.
I just felt like stirring up controversy tonight, if anyone has any reasons that the aforementioned arguments don't contradict the other reasons, please feel free and share!! :)
Wednesday, September 20, 2006
Politics, schmolitics...
I try to stay away from politics (except in that little presidential race where ohio SCREWED the entire nation, damn you!) in my blog, but I would just like to say that the upcoming November election is going to be key, not to mention get ready for mud-slinging!!
I can't WAIT for the 8th district election. The primary was a huge disappointment. My favorite candidate lost, but luckily, not by much. Look out for him in the future, I predict big things for this guy...Jamie Wall. I don't even know who to vote for. I strongly dislike both of the candidates...well, take a look for yourself (this probably doesn't affect most of you, but it is highly interesting, not to mention entertaining right now while all the political ads are on tv, snort).
So, the 8th District candidates that I must force myself to pick between:
Idiot Number #1 (aka the Democrat) and Idiot Number #2 (aka the Republican)....
Those of you who know me can probably take a stab and guess who I'm probably going to end up voting for...
But the thing that struck me as funniest is the initial similarities between Jamie Wall and Idiot Number #2. Farm boys, huh...but one of them is considerably less obnoxious and his political ads DIDN'T make me want to throw things at the television. But, like I said, I have a good feelings that there will be much more of Jamie Wall in the future. Hopefully he doesn't become too corrupt like most candidates end up.
This issue, however, is not so much for just the 8th district and my own pointless ramblings about who I do and do not want to vote for, but more for the entire state of Wisconsin.
Right now, they are trying to pass one of the more ridiculous laws I have ever read into existance simply by not informing people of what it will really do for the state.
A big thing lately on political ads is that this "constitutional ban" is really about gay marriage. Upon digging slightly deeper, it is actualy NOT solely about gay marriage. This would also ban civil unions too. And, surprise, it would affect heterosexual couples too.
I suppose I could go on and on about this ridiculous ban that hovers on our ballots come November 7th, but why should I when there is a great website right here:
A Fair Wisconsin Votes No!
I hope that just by becoming thoroughly educated on the subject that people will vote no. It's not just about gay marriage, though I think lawmakers are hoping that if the gay marriage aspect is targeted that people will vote for this. But really, it's all about education on what you're voting yes or no to.
48 days till the election!
Wednesday, September 06, 2006
I love my cat, but not this much!

I got this in my email today from PetsMart. Now anyone who knows me knows that I LOVE my cat. But I do not love my cat enough to buy her a freaking color-coordinated bedroom set. You want to know why I find this to be pointless??
Do you KNOW where my cat sleeps?? My cat sleeps WHERE EVER SHE WANTS. This could be anywhere from under a chair to the top of the couch to bed to the floor.
Oh, and my cat already has her designated bed. And I got it for FREE. It is a BOX. Yes, a box. You know why she sleeps in a box?? Because SHE WANTED TO. I ordered some music online, it came in a box, I took the music out of the box, left the box on the floor to remove later, and voila. My cat crawled in the box, and hasn't really left since. Someone explain to me why I would buy a cat bed, when I got a box for FREE. And the kitty cave?? I can tell you how to make one for much cheaper - THROW A SHEET OVER A CHAIR! Then kitty will have their own little fort. They think it's great. And, get this, you're using things you have in your house already!
And with the minor exception of her feather toy that cost 92 cents plus tax at Walmart, my cat prefers to play with things that we don't buy her. The cat (who I might add, is spoiled rotten) has a box full of toys but prefers to play with paper, bugs, and invisible bumps in the carpet. I find it hard to justify buying cat toys (even though I do anyway, but I go for the cheap ones. Preferably under a dollar. I have all intentions of growing my own catnip should I buy a house so I don't have to buy it).
Either way...a line of "Beds, toys, bowls, blankets and accessories that are COLOR COORDINATED and will compliment your CHIC kitty's style"...yeah, I love my cat. But not that much.