Where did the sheep get tap shoes????
Sunday, November 30, 2003
Back from Thanksgiving break! Honestly, that break seemed super long. Probably because of all the productivity yet procrastination that I managed over the break. Hmmm...
I was productive in a sense, because I went to the library three times (three different libraries, can you believe it?). Wednesday I went to the school library and got like, eight books for my stupid project for Styles. I didn't touch any of said books except to move them around my room a few times. Then on Saturday, I went to the waste of space Shorewood empty bookshelves $5.7 million library to get two books on Mozart, a book on Henry VIII, and a book on Latin America, and a movie on Beethoven. Today, I ventured out to the Ripon Public Library to FINALLY pick up the DaVinci Code. It's a VERY hard book to get ahold of! Yikes. But I finally got it, read for a good chunk of the afternoon, and now I'm on chapter 22. Huzzah!
Anyway, now I'm off to do nada. Sweet! Glad that Thanksgiving break is over, because now I'm coasting into winter vacation! Finally! I'm about ready to be DONE with stupid classes like Styles.
Oh yeah, and SOME people I know look more and more like serial rapists every time I see them, which is thankfully not very often. And why is it that every time I'm around said serial rapist, I feel dirty? Ewww.
Saturday, November 29, 2003
Ahhhh, the Christmas season is pretty much upon us. For me this means a good time had by all. It means constant Christmas music from now until New Years...it means surviving crazy family escapades (see Nov 28 entry to confirm)...it might even mean snow!!! Well apparently the word on the street is that Ripon already has snow. However, Milwaukee is lacking. Whenever it snows, it melts. Instantly. I'm dreaming of a gray Christmas.......
The Christmas season for me also means hauling out the knitting needles and crochet hooks, and venturing out into the dangerous territory of our local Wal-Mat. I haven't ventured out today, and I don't plan to. Maybe I'll head to Wal-Mat somewhere else, where it's safer, as in not on Capitol Drive, where at least one letter is burned out on a consistent basis. Maybe I should keep a tally. Let's see, so far there's been Wal-Mat, and I think Wal-Mrt. I'm just waiting for Wal-Mar, Wal-Art, Wl-Mart, or any other variations. It's kind of like County Highway Scrabble, except not as much fun.
Anyway, I'm off subject. The reason I haul out sharp pointly objects is not so much to impale myself or others, though Gina almost did poke out Paul's eye last year with a knitting needle as she burst into my room, and tripped over my backpack that she "didn't see" even though it was sitting out in the middle of the floor!! As if the boy wasn't traumatized enough by the night before....Just kidding.
Once again, I'm off on another planet. Perhaps this year I will have hauled out my sharp pointy objects to construct Christmas presents for people. Then again maybe not. I think my grandma is still waiting on her present from last year. It's half done, I swear!! Someone needs to find me sparkly yarn...
I also get to look forward to such exciting TV specials as Charlie Brown, Garfield, Muppets, and CLAYMATION!!!! That might possibly be my favorite.
Well, off on a short trip to the library. And the back here to further procrastinate on my homework with movies that I don't really need to watch, such as Immortal Beloved and The Abduction of Figaro (but that one can wait, I suppose). Then again I think I hear the Christmas specials calling my name! You know how I'LL be spending my Saturday night!
Friday, November 28, 2003
Ahhhh....home. I have to admit, Thanksgiving is one crazy holiday. Especially with my family. And my cousin's dog, that leaked...all over me. Right before dinner. Great.
So after pairing my striped sweater with a pair of navy blue, adidas windpants that were about four sizes too big, I not only looked like a freak, but I sounded like one too, wherever I walked. Thank goodness for my aunt and her washing machine and dryer, but if there was a ever a time for the laundry to go super fast, that was it. I managed to survive, but my family seriously needs to lay off the humiliation. As if the situation wasn't bad enough...
Anyway, that day is passed. Thank god.
I heard that Ripon has quite a bit of snow now! Ack! I'm somehow not wanting to go back on Sunday. Do I have to??? Can't I stay here?? Until, say, April. Wait....
I've spent the past two days of the holiday weekend procrastinating on my mountain of Styles homework. Tomorrow I must procrastinate no longer! And I should probably go to the library. Wait, our library has lots of empty shelves. Way to go with the $5.7 million we paid to build the damn thing.
This weekend should will also be kept in a continuous state of deep thought. Lots to think about, little time. Anyway, the blog will probably go radio silent until Sunday. Maybe. Unless something comes up tomorrow. :)
Tuesday, November 25, 2003
So I was going through my old emails this evening, and I came across a very funny discovery. In honor of both being in college and looking forward to Thanksgiving, enjoy!
Top 10 Reasons College Students Are Looking Forward to
Thanksgiving Break
10. You'll know that your turkey is a Butterball rather than
a Grade E yet semi-edible fur ball.
9. Your mother will not be serving your mashed potatoes and
stuffing with an ice cream scooper.
8. Pumpkin pie is a great alternative to green Jello.
7. After your eighth glass of cider, your emergency dash to
the bathroom will not be delayed by having to line the seat
with toilet paper.
6. Clean underwear, comfortable bed, access to a car,
bedroom larger than a 12x14 cell... OK, even if it is for
only four days.
5. To eat your meals the only trek you'll have to make is
from the couch to the kitchen, rather than the dorm to the
dining hall...in below freezing weather.
4. Instead of listening to "when I first started teaching
here..." you can be entertained by "when your mother was your
age..." and "during the Depression we weren't lucky enough to
have brussels sprouts. Hell, all we could afford was the
3. You can eat your corn steamed with butter rather than
popped in your microwave
2. You'll know the hair in the shower drain is your own.
1. You won't be eating your Thanksgiving meal off a tray!
Hurrah for Thanksgiving being soon!!!
Monday, November 24, 2003
Helllllllllllloooooooooooo snow!!!
I woke up today and it was snowing in the window, welcome to Wisconsin winters! Yeah, well at least it's not, when it's getting close to Thanksgiving rather than if it had been close to, oh, Halloween! That would have sucked.
So yeah, welcome to winter everyone!
Sunday, November 23, 2003
Today's topic: band concerts.
Are they really necessary?? I mean, seriously, what is the point of them? I don't like playing in them, really, and I don't like going to them if I'm not in them (though I can't remember when the last time was that I went to a band concert that I didn't play in)...wait, I went to the Ripon High School band concert in May. Yeah THAT was interesting. Okay, maybe not so much.
But really, band concerts are not so much my favorite thing. Overall, however, today's wasn't so bad. But my weekend was fairly non-existant. Okay, pretty much not existant at all. Only because I had lots to do, and not really much down time. But oh well. It was a good weekend. Except for that whole band concert deal. :)
Saturday, November 22, 2003
I hate Chicago!! Well, not the trip. But the actual city! Really! Who likes Chicago? Who would want to actually LIVE in Chicago?? Are they some sort of masochistic freaks??
Anyway, the day was fun, but I am very bitter toward Chicago! Wouldn't you be bitter if you almost got killed by three city buses in one shot?? :)
Friday, November 21, 2003
Speaking of trips, I get to go to Chicago tomorrow! And all that jazz...
Okay so not really anything to do with jazz, or liquor, but a good time with the Choraliers! Woohoo!!!! Boo to leaving at 8:45 in the morning though...but oh well!
And the Yule Ball tomorrow night, not sure if I'm going, but I'll be back by then, yay for Chicago!
Anyway, hopefully lunch will consist of Cosi (yummy yummy yummy), and bumming around Michigan Avenue! Can't wait!!!
Wednesday, November 19, 2003
Seriously, where would be a better place to spend spring break this year??? Except maybe Florida, but I think I'd rather have fun in Toronto rather than Florida! Not that Florida is bad, but CANADA!!!!!!!! Plans in process...waiting eagerly for spring break!
Tuesday, November 18, 2003
Sorry, I took away the other convo! :)
Tonight I got to watch my stupid show fix for the week! Yeah!!!
Anyway, according to Rich Girls, people in the Midwest buy cargo pants not to pair with stiletto heels and a sexy shirt, but because they have lots of pockets, and all the people in the Midwest are farmers and have lots of things to keep in pockets. Yeah right. Bite me. Ever heard of Milwaukee?? Or better yet, Chicago?? Someone remind me why I watch this show again? Oh yeah, because it's entertaining. And lord know I'll be watching Rich Girls yet again next week! Sweet!
Tuesdays royally suck. Really. It always seems to start raining when I leave film class on Monday night, and continues to rain through when I'm due in Rodman on Tuesday mornings. Yarf.
I have to get my stupid person quotes from Liz later, but for now, I got nothing.
Nothing except some good lyrics.
Still searching for that boy who had the faith to move a mountain.
Want the fire back.
Another question in me
One for the powers that be
It's got me thrown and so
I Put on my poker face
And try to figure it out
This undeniable doubt
A common occurrence
Feeling so out of place
Guarded and cynical now
Can't help but wondering how
My heart evolved into a
Rock beating inside of me
So I reel, such a stoic ordeal
Where's that feeling that I don't feel?
There was a boy who had the faith to move a mountain
And like a child he would believe without a reason
Without a trace he disappeared into the void and
I've been searching for that missing person
Under a lavender moon
So many thoughts consume me
Who dimmed that glowing light
That once burned so bright in me
Is this a radical phase
A problematical age
That keeps me running
From all that I used to be
Is there a way to return
Is there a way to unlearn
That carnal knowledge
That's chipping away at my soul
I've been gone too long
Will I ever find my way home?
There was a boy who had the faith to move a mountain
And like a child he would believe without a reason
Without a trace he disappeared into the void and
I've been searching for that missing person
He used to want to try to walk the straight and narrow
He had a fire and he could feel it in the marrow
It's been a long time and I haven't seen him lately but
I've been searching for that missing person
--MWS ~ Missing Person
Monday, November 17, 2003
Shoutout to Leahann for her belated birthday! Happy 21st on Saturday!!! It sounded like she had fun, even though people told her she was boring. Except she wasn't, at least she had fun! And didn't puke or take any shots like the Twisted Sisters (don't ask!) or throw up all over her room or anything! Props for that! I'm petrified about my 21st...
Well not really, being that I've still got eight months left of being 20 (sheesh, I feel friggin' young, but not as young as Paul or Lizzie! mwa!)...anyway I'm scared about my birthday, as it will probably combine something like Andy, Tyler, Joe, Kirschling, Emily, lord knows who else. Maybe Adam can come along and moderate... I will not do 21 shots, I will not do 21 shot, I will not do 21 shots....
Speaking of Tyler, I'm not such a fan about the whole hyphenated last name on the homework I turned in today during class...*ackhem*
Oh well.
I hate Mondays. Must it ALWAYS be RAINING when I leave film history?? Oh yeah, and what's up with Bonnie & Clyde? Somehow, I'm depressed. Okay, so not really.
Tomorrow is Tuesday of DOOM...I don't think it's so much a doom-filled day except that it continues to include three hours of completely useless class. And it's all (mostly) in the morning, anyway.
So today I had to feel like a complete idiot because someone I know came down with a case of throwing up like mad all morning, and who had to go and "call them in sick" to their weird ass professor who is bald and always looks either pissed off or completely confused...yeah that'd be me. Thank the lord I have no intentions of ever taking an anthropology class taught by said professor...
Oh, yeah, Paul is a loser. Just kidding. But seriously, who looooooooves mondays???
Not me! I love Tuesday nights at 9:30, because that's me & Joe's date for RICH GIRLS! My new favorite stupid show! Sweet!
Sunday, November 16, 2003
I survived Delta Psi formal!! Go me!!
Actually, it wasn't as painful as I had originally thought. I had a great time with my awesome date, even though he's crazy. And guess who got crowned formal queen?? That's right, me baby! Yeah! It was a simple thrill in my life. Now I've got a cool wand, courtesy of our awesome social chair, aka my roommate! Sweet!
Tonight was orchestra concert, which meant orchestra hell day, with rehearsal, but then pizza, and then concert, but then ice cream with the fam. Overall, not a bad day, but this cold is wearing me thin, and I'm tiredsville.
Ooh, but I did walk around Rodman like I was completely drunk for about an hour or so, thanks to the effects of Maximum Strength Tylenol Flu! I'm not sure if that's a good thing or a bad thing yet...
Anyway, not much more to post. I'm off to spend some time with my honey! And then go to bed. Probably sooner, rather than later!
Catch ya on the flip side!
Friday, November 14, 2003
Article in The Onion??? Hilarious!! (see blog homepage, or theonion.com)
Today is formal! Should be exciting, but I can't quite get into the groove for formal yet as I still feel kind of like a bus hit me! Yuck. This cold sucks major monkey balls.
However, it should be interesting. I was starting to think that maybe the dress I bought was cursed or something because I bought it a year ago, over a year ago! and haven't gotten the chance to wear it yet.
Too bad Theta has Help Weekend this weekend because clearly it would have been fun to bring Joe to formal, even though he might make everyone ride the Lauren train again (damn you, Joe)...lol!
Anyway, there may be lots of drama, but it might just be a lot of fun!
Tomorrow is the orchestra concert - oh yeah, an entire afternoon and evening of orchestra fun! Sweet.
Check back for new posts regarding el formal-o! :)
Thursday, November 13, 2003
Let's see, today has been nothing of note!
I woke up at 11:40 after hitting snooze about 15 times. YEAH! I then hurried back to my room to change, went down to Rodman to warm up for my piano lesson only to find out NO PIANO TODAY! Yeah!! Not that I don't like piano, but having a free half hour to do homework is always good!
Anyway, nothing to do for the rest of the night. Sweet!
Wednesday, November 12, 2003
I hate this cold!
But I do like watching dumb shows on MTV, even though Joe couldn't watch with me! Saaaaaaaaaaad. However, I did yell at him out the window this morning...teehee!
Today doesn't provide quite the same amount of excitement through TV shows, but I think I'm going to have to do at least SOME laundry tonight after band. Oh, the excitement.
My other peeve of the day is...the weather??? I could have sworn that when I woke up this morning, it was sunny?? And now it's not? And not only is it not sunny, but it's raining. And it really sucks. Yeah, go weather. I hate Wisconsin. :)
Tuesday, November 11, 2003
Blegh to being sick. I skipped out of my morning classes & such and slept till 11:15, and I still don't feel good. :( I could soooooooooooooo go back to bed, but it probably wouldn't be a good idea to skip styles again this week, especially since we won't have real class next week. Yeah for our styles professor going to Rumania! And yeah for me already having a general idea of what I want to do for my project. I'm going to work on it over Thanksgiving break for sure, and hopefully will have a lot of the programs worked out before then.
So my latest addicting show to watch is Rich Girls. What is this world coming to??? How did I get hooked on a show that basically just has two rich girls going shopping and getting their hair done and talking on their cell phones all the time. Yes!!! Somehow, I feel like my life has just reached a low spot. :) Oh well!
I have only one more class today, that'll be two hours of my time, then I think I'll go back to bed, and then go to work and then take it easy for the night. YEAH! Sounds good to me!!!!
Thanks to Paul for the virtual chicken noodle soup, even though there is an asterick in it...heehee.
Yeah for Arby's yesterday even though I was about 10 minutes late to film class- oh well. We watched a funny movie in class though! So it actually made time go FAST, not SLOW...yay! I really need to start bringing either knitting or crocheting to that class. It should make things go faster. But hey, the trip to Arby's was fun, yeah spending time with my favorite Andy and my favorite Joe!
So hopefully tonight will get me to watch the latest episode of Rich Girls! Yeah!!!
Monday, November 10, 2003
A big fuck you to the sick gods.
Yup, that's right. I got the campus cold!! Woohoo! And due to my illnesses that were not as bad as these LAST WEEK, I now can no longer skip class. Except maybe on Tuesday morning. Hey, not a bad idea. I'll skip out of shit until 2:10. So don't expect me at chamber, master class or lesson. Ha! I guess it's a good thing that I stuck it out last week and played my oboe while in pain, because believe me, no matter what the pain, it's ten thousand times worse to play my oboe with a sore throat. It's kind of equivalent to having someone stick lots of sharp knives down my throat. And when I say lots, I mean lots. And when I say sharp, I mean super duper sharp. And very painful. Yes, that's me, the wuss.
Off to bed, to sleep until noon. Or so.
Sunday, November 09, 2003
Thank the Lord that this weekend is over! It was fairly hectic, and, yeah.
However, I saw A Midsummer Night's Dream on Friday night - FREAKING HILARIOUS!! Good job Ripon College Theatre Dept! It RULED! I saw the play back in the day at good old Shorewood High School, but that was before I was even IN high school, so it was a good 7-8, maybe even 9 years ago! Yikes.
Saturday was formal. Meh. Take it or leave it. It wasn't my favorite formal, however I can say of the three formals I've been to so far in my college career, it wasn't the worst ever! Some people took funny pictures, that's all I will say. And yeah, fuzzy navals? Do they get you inebriated at all??
Next week is a repeat performance of formal, however it should be much better. Incidentally, I'm looking for a formal date! Any takers? If this were earlier, I'd have formal date applications, but it's a bit too late for that. However, I will still be picky! Hee hee.
Yay for Round One! It wasn't a disaster! Huzzah! And yay for popcorn and soda and candy. It doesn't get much better than that, really!
So check back during the week, and hopefully I'll have found a formal date and such. Have a good Sunday night! :)
Oooh, and I finished my book on the Romanovs - go my inner history geek!
Friday, November 07, 2003
Okay, so there's a new craze hitting the Internet....check it out!
Thanks, Leahann!
And now on a COMPLETELY different note...Murdeth's away message reminded me of one of my very favorite poems...so just for you, I'm going to post it. Thanks, Murdeth! :)
Two roads diverged in a yellow wood,
And sorry I could not travel both
And be one traveler, long I stood
And looked down one as far as I could
To where it bent in the undergrowth;
Then took the other, as just as fair,
And having perhaps the better claim,
Because it was grassy and wanted wear;
Though as for that the passing there
Had worn them really about the same,
And both that morning equally lay
In leaves no step had trodden black.
Oh, I kept the first for another day!
Yet knowing how way leads on to way,
I doubted if I should ever come back.
I shall be telling this with a sigh
Somewhere ages and ages hence:
Two roads diverged in a wood, and I-
I took the one less traveled by,
And that has made all the difference.
--Robert Frost ~ The Road Not Taken
Oh, and how could I forget the latest in funny quotes from my favorite class??
Professor Alexander on Mozart: "He really knew how to compose...obviously...that was a stupid comment."
Have a great weekend!
Wednesday, November 05, 2003
Just because I went to Ripon Relays tonight and saw Sonja, it got me thinking about the days as a swimmer!! I'm not saying I'm ready to go back, but ooooooooohhhhhhhh sometimes I miss it!!! The hype of the meet today...I get so into swim meets!
Anyway, speaking of reminiscing...those Shorewood swimmers may remember this "song" from a swim meet (it must have been the 1995-1996 school year, because that was the only year I swam at the Shorewood Winter Invite - is that the name?)...
Sung to the tune of, well, just about anything...
Up my anus
Around the corner
What do you see?
Okay, I think that was a crazy enough note to end on...good night!
Happy Wednesday!
To quote Jenny (Jenny rules): I generally try to take like one day at a time. However, on Wednesdays, entire decades attack me at once!!! Better leave a message.
Aaaaaahhhhhhhh...so true!
Anyway, Finding Nemo cam out yesterday! I now am the proud owner of the 2-DVD Special Collector's Edition of Finding Nemo! YEAH! On my quest across town to Kmart to buy said movie, I had the privilege of running into Ben K...who was also out on the same quest as I. However, while I went straight to Kmart, Ben originally had headed to Circuit City (where? appleton?) to buy the same movie, in order to save a dollar off the cost. Unfortunately, Circuit City had no more Finding Nemo, and neither did Best Buy! So, Ben was forced to spend the extra dollar at Kmart, as well as all the gas money....hmmmm. Moral of the story: Try Kmart first, since you won't lose time anyway...:)
It still hasn't snowed in Ripon yet, though the temperature has dropped significantly. It's going to be a bitch walk up the hill after band and, oh yeah, Ripon Relays! Go Ripon swim team! I am not a part of the team...but yeah for Beth! And for Sonja, swimming for Beloit! YEAH!
On a completely different note, take this quiz!
What Key Signature are you??
(probably you'll have to copy and paste the link)
I'm Eb Major!
Eb major - you are warm and kind, always there for your friends, who are in turn there for you. You are content with your comfortable life and what you are currently achieving; if you keep in this state you will go far.
Go me!
Time for house, then band, then Ripon Relays. Too bad this week Wednesday doesn't provide the same amount of fun as last week, in the search for the Haunted Woods. Oh well!
I'm outtie!
Tuesday, November 04, 2003
Okay, so today I went to three of my four classes, but the only reason I went to that number of classes is because it's hard to skip less than all three of those because they kind of go hand in hand, and they all are taught by the same person. Boy, I wish my lessons were on Thursdays....I hate feeling crappy. And on a crappy day, no less. Is it supposed to be sunny tomorrow?? I sure hope so!!
On a more depressing note, I got word today (or yesterday?) that it's SNOWING in Stevens Point! Aghhhhhh!
Dear Snow,
Don't come to Ripon. I'm not ready yet.
In honor of my not going to Styles, here's my tribute of the day!
Wisdom from Styles!
"well it's a death mass, so you're not going to be singing 'joy to the world.'"
"if you have to write an opera in a week, you steal!"
chris- who invented the alberti bass?
prof. a- um, alberti.
"i mean if you put a cd of it [monteverdi] on in the town square, i don't think they'd know who he was."
"or what a cd was!"
"the prince is my da-pa-da."
"schnitger- like schnitzel except the ending is different"
"these are classical jokes...they're not side-splitting, but they're funny."
"so they get rid of it when they put it as elevator music. it's really funny. or sad."
"they're not dumb, they know musicians are lazy. especially orchestra musicians."
Check back later for wisdom from 20th century styles, and keep this posted for next semester, when I get my own 19th century styles quotes!
In the meantime, go watch Finding Nemo! After I take a shower, my quest is to go get Finding Nemo! Huzzah!!! :)
Monday, November 03, 2003
Welcome to Monday of doom.
I wake up this morning to the delightful pouring rain, which therefore gets the quilt all wet and therefore forced to close the window. That SUCKS. It's friggin hot in the room, and the quilt is hot, and now suddenly there's tons of rain and a lackage of open window. Fans just don't do it.
Then, I skipped lunch, not that it's bad to skip lunch, 'cause lord knows that if I went to lunch I'd probably come down with food poisoning or something of the sort, and end up dying a long painful death. On a rainy Monday, no less.
I skipped my 1:05 class today, not because of the rain, or because I didn't do my homework, but because something got into my eye, and now my left eye is red and puffy, and hurts a helluva lot! The search for Visine? Turns up nothing. Now I have loads to do, and not enough time to do any of it, I don't feel good, my eye hurts, and I already skipped a class today. Oh yeah, and it's only 1:45. This is not a good sign for the rest of the day- including my 3 hour Monday night class.
And Tuesday is quite possibly my least favorite day of the whole week, so that's what I have to look forward to. Great.
Check back for some more disasters, but probably not till Thursday, unless I somehow make it through today's day of doom without dying.
Sunday, November 02, 2003
After a fun-filled weekend of lounge parties and cookouts, you'd think I would have something of note--however, I got nothing baby!
Oh, but I did make a whopping $35 at work a few weeks ago, thanks to the most boring four hours of my life! Okay, maybe it wasn't quite as boring as a Sunday during the summer...*retch* Hey at least it's some form of paycheck- yeehaw! I just loooooooooooooooooooooooove the Columbia cafeteria! And by love, I mean hate. Thanks Claire. *grins*
In other news, the Packers won today. Yawn.
In IMPORTANT NEWS, Finding Nemo comes out on video and DVD on TUESDAY! Yay!!!
Pretty sure that's it. Maybe when classes start up on Monday, I'll have something interesting.
But to keep you entertained in the meantime, here's a movie quote of great importance:
"Let me explain it to you. Mitchell's the man, I'm the idiot, you're the screwup, and we're all losers. Welcome to MusicTown."
Please please please tell me you know that movie!
Okay, I'm out, like the proverbial trout. :)
Let's see....anything blog-worthy???
Go Greek Week! Wait, we're not cool enough to have a week, we just go with a semi-weekend. Well, whatever works!
Props to the giant bumblebee that was especially endowed. *Wink, wink*
Too tired to put anything note-worthy, maybe check back tomorrow and I'll have something funny! Then again, maybe not. I'll just be vague so that nobody's gotten their hopes up too high!